OLGA proposes a holistic framework for decarbonisation taking into account three different perspectives: airlines, passengers, and local communities. For airlines, our solutions include green runway renovation, enhanced CO2 reduction, and increased circular economy for construction and deconstruction. We also strive to reduce air pollution through emissions monitoring and source apportionment of pollutants. From the passenger perspective our incentives are oriented towards low-carbon modes of transportation linking airports with cities such as e-buses or on-demand shuttles; plus activities such as biodiversity evaluations following smart technologies, energy-efficient terminal designs with improved lighting and thermal comfort; as well as waste management solutions. These changes are not just limited to airline or passenger revamps; rather they extend to local communities as well with reductions in noise levels and air quality improvements along with low carbon mobility initiatives being implemented across our airports. This interview marks one year since the launch of the OLGA project – here is to a continuation of successful impact-making!
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