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Work packages

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OLGA Project integrates ten work packages:

WP 1 – Baseline and impact assessment

Leading organisation – Bureau Veritas

Objectives: This work package ensures the relevance, quality and reliability of impact assessments across the project. It will support the replication process to assess the environmental impacts of green airport solutions for landside transport, airside transport, terminal and energy.

WP 2 – Transport landside, access and multimodal

Leading organisation – Medunarodna Zracna Luka Zagreb DD

Objectives: This work package is responsible for developing and demonstrating the integration of a decision support tool for planning city bus transport electrification with the software solution for airports and gravitational areas. It will also create and integrate a transport decision support platform that will include new tools and traffic optimisation mechanisms.

WP 3 – Transport airside

Leading organisation – Air France

Objectives: This work package aims to demonstrate the implementation of decarbonised solutions across the entire value chain airside. From energy transition of ground handling (electrification of the fleet of service vehicles, use of alternative fuels like H2 or SAF, installation & optimisation of charging infrastructures...) to the reduction of aircraft emissions (Green Taxiing, environmental monitoring of aircraft apron, reduction of the use of APU unit...) this work package aims to assess & develop the new technologies available to cope with emission reduction & carbon neutrality objectives for the airside activities.

WP 4 – Terminal area

Leading organisation – Aeroports de Paris SA

Objectives: This work package is responsible for improving energy efficiency at the airport, bringing environmental innovations in lighting in a terminal, on aircraft stands, and in pre‐boarding bridges where thermal discomfort is strongly noticed. It will develop methodologies to achieve environmentally friendly construction and deconstruction processes.

WP 5 – Energy and hydrogen

Leading organisation – Società per Azioni Esercizi Aeroportuali (SEA)

Objectives: This work package is responsible for developing guidelines to turn the airport in H2 Hub into H2-powered aircraft operations. In addition, it will (i) demonstrate green H2 production and use in airports through the design and installation of a green H2 plant, (ii) promote Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), showcasing their use on AF flights, and (iii) valorise local organic wastes towards biomethane production for its use in local buses through the design, installation and monitoring of a biomethane "pilot" system.

WP 6 – Cross-cutting aspects

Leading organisation – Envisa SAS

Objectives: This work package is responsible for developing a methodology that will allow real-time emissions and air quality assessment with a fully integrated monitoring and modelling platform hence improving air quality. It will identify the contribution of airport-related emission sources to local urban air quality, including sustainable aviation fuel implementation.

WP 7 – Communication and dissemination

Leading organisation – Airport Regions Council

Objectives: This work package is responsible for creating public awareness about the project's outputs and contribution to sustainable, smart mobility and (in)direct benefits. It will disseminate project results to the audience that can add additional value to the project's impact and initiate exchanges with other projects, groups and stakeholders to enhance the coherence and efficiency of innovation.

WP 8 – Exploitation and technology transfer

Leading organisation – Institutul National de Cercetare dezvoltare Turbomotoare

Objectives: This work package is responsible for optimising the use of results and ensuring technology transfer to users (airport community). It will define an exploitation strategy and roadmap for the results generated by OLGA and build a coherent action plan for implementation & impact during and after the project.

WP 9 – Project management and common IT framework

Leading organisation – Aeroports de Paris SA

Objectives: This work package is responsible for achieving the project's strategic aims and objectives through clear milestones. It will provide contractual, legal and financial management for the consortium​ and ensure the quality of the work and the deliverables, data management and IT integration.

WP 10 – Ethics requirements

Leading organisation – Aeroports de Paris SA

Objectives: This work package is responsible for overseeing data processing relevancy and technical and organisational measures for implementing and safeguarding the rights of data subjects and research participants. It will descirbe anonymysation/pseudonymisation techniques, all relevant authorisations & actions.

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