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Sister projects

Climate change is an unprecedented and major challenge. In order to tackle this challenge, the European Commission set the European Green Deal, with the objective of a climate-neutral continent by 2050. In this context, three “sustainable and smart mobility” H2020 projects have been selected by the European Commission in 2021. OLGA, STARGATE, and TULIPS projects – respectively led by Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Brussels, and Schiphol airports – will contribute to the acceleration of the environmental transition of operations at airports, demonstrating the feasibility of implementing and disseminating environmental innovations. 

Key take-aways for each project

OLGA (hOListic & Green Airports) will use holistic approach to environmental innovations at airports, reducing environmental footprint from passengers, airlines and neighbourhood perspectives.


STARGATE (SusTainable AiRports, the Green heArT of Europe) aims to develop, test, and implement innovative solutions to make the airport ecosystem and operations more sustainable and efficient.

TULIPS (DemonsTrating lower pollUting soLutions for sustaInable airPorts acrosS Europe) will deliver demonstrations in airport operations that accelerate the joined ambitions to reduce emissions and local impact drastically.


The project focuses on developing innovations and initiatives for an accelerated transition to greener aviation. Together with a diverse consortium of 21 partners, Brussels Airport takes the lead in demonstrating that sustainable aviation is possible. Collaboration across the industry is essential to achieving ambitious goals. The partnership consists of three other European airports (Athens, Budapest and Toulouse), airlines,  several airport community partners, as well as knowledge institutions and local authorities. Stargate covers the development, testing and implementation of around 30 concrete projects, focusing on three main areas:

  • further decarbonisation of the airport operations;

  • improving the local environmental quality and;

  • stimulating the modal split.


TULIPS programme focuses on developing innovations that facilitate the transition to low-carbon mobility and enhance sustainability at and around the airports. With the leadership of Royal Schiphol Group, a broad collection of 29 representatives from airports, airlines, knowledge institutes, and industrial partners work together in the consortium, intending to speed up and roll out sustainable technologies in aviation and significantly towards zero emissions and zero waste airports by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2050.


Schiphol Airport will play a key role in demonstrating, and the other consortium partner airports, like Oslo, Turin and Larnaka airports will implement the following challenges for the fulfilment of the programme:


  • reducing or eliminating vehicle emissions;

  • testing facilities for recharging aircraft with electricity or hydrogen;

  • introducing and optimising large scale supply of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF);

  • improving circular use of materials;

  • carrying out demonstrations at the airside to capture ultra-fine particles from departing to landing flights;

  • examining the entire journey of passengers and cargo with solutions proposed for an optimal mix of multimodal solutions.

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