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From FENIX to OLGA: a roadmap toward sustainability

On the 8th of February 2023, the FENIX project hosted public authorities, institutional representatives, and business representatives at P&G’s InQbet Campus in Grimbergen, near Brussels, at an open-doors event before the project finishes its four-year journey at the end of the month.

FENIX (The European Federated Network of Information eXchange in LogistiX) is a four-year-long Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) project that aims to support the development, validation, and deployment of the digital information systems in different European corridors, supporting the transition to seamless data sharing. This project is characterised by the presence of eleven pilot sites based in nine different European countries.

The collaborative innovation services developed within FENIX aim to become leaders in the global market, developing the first European federated architecture for data sharing, an innovative tool that is involving all the European logistics community (i.e., shippers, logistics service providers, mobility infrastructure providers, cities, and authorities).

The idea behind FENIX takes its first step from the recommendations of the European Commission’s Digital Transport and Logistic Forum (DTLF) which claims the importance of creating a viable and valid federative network of platforms to enable Business to Administration (B2A) and Business to Business (B2B) data exchange and sharing by transport and logistics operators.

FENIX and OLGA: common goals and partners

The connection between FENIX and OLGA is clear: there aren’t just common partners working for sustainability in the airports (SEA and ICOOR), but there is a common ambition. FENIX is in fact strictly linked with OLGA: the activities implemented under Italian Rhine Alpine PIlot will be completed in the greener aspects with OLGA.

Increasing the modal share of carbon-free transport for airport-city journeys, SEA within OLGA will learn from FENIX best practices in order to increase intermodality, reduce waste, and save in terminals.


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